What am I watching?

So near...

...yet so far away.

It's raining here. Treater says that Fay is making it rain. I guess Fay's not all bad, 'cause the rain makes these birdies come out.
Treater says that
Fay is bad - really bad - for the people on the east coast 'cause they have too much rain. Fay is wearing out her welcome.
Go away, Fay!~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
My human sister and her hubby and Treater and Napper really appreciate everybody's prayers. My human sister (Light) and her hubby (Stretch) are Lala's momma and daddy. Lala's too busy to write because she's keeping things in order at the farm and making Willow, Racer, and Lady toe the line while Stretch is in the hospital. I think she'll be back in action here soon.
Anyway, Stretch's surgery is on Wednesday, and we are purraying that it will fix all of his problems and make him all better. Thanks for purraying, and please keep it up!