I don't like it when Treater and Napper come back smelling like Eve. Peeee-yoooooo!
I also wasn't very happy to find out that Eve likes playing "King of the Mountain" on MY stairs! These stairs can be fun, and I liked peeking down from the top.
To make matters worse, now she's learning to make Laser Eyes just like me.
What next, will she start licking her paw and bathing her face?
Whoa! Eve has some really askeery laser beams! She's obviously been taking lessons and practicing!
Oh yeah, she's trying to become you. Watch your back, Spooky!
Eve has pretty good laser eyes...
ooooh me scared! spooky, you may just turn out to be best of friends though
Ya gotta watch out for d-a-w-g-s in your house. That's what I say. Pretty soon you will have to share all your stuff.
THE NERVE!!!!!!!!
Very scary laser eyes there!
Whoa scary laser eyes!
That thing is for real?
It looks like a kid toy. IF you see Eve again, check her belly for a place to put batteries.
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