Oh, no. I think we'd better hide the cheese. This cannot happen!
The Murph’s Sleepy Selfie
4 days ago
My name is SPOOKY. I live in Florida. I am a Siamese mix known as a Snowshoe Siamese. My eyes are a deep blue. I was rescued from a shelter, and have since settled in to rule the house. I am served by the Nap-taker (Napper) and the Treat-giver (Treater). I am NOT a lap-cat, but I am a lady cat. LALA is my niece who lives in Kentucky. I'm not sure what kind of Cat she is, but she has beautiful green eyes and loves to pole-dance! Her people are Light and Stretch.
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.
~ Mahatma Gandhi
Ha Ha!!! A mouse with super powers? What is this world coming to?
heheheh, too funny. Thankfully we haven't had a mouse in the house for ages. Plus mum puts just a litte bit of peanut butter for bait.
That is cute. No wonder Treater was laughing.
Smoochies to my sweetie!
OMC! Did you play with the mouse?
That was just weird! We really don't want a mouse like that in OUR house.
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