As you can see, when I'm awake and feeling good, I usually keep a close eye on all that's going on in the world around my house. All sorts of critters show up outside my window, like sandhill cranes, squirrels, anoles, and golfers.

Some of my other results weren't so good, either, but others were excellent. I don't like one of the two new foods that Dr. Steve wants me to eat, so Dr. Heather said not to worry about it for now. Whew. That's good. I was afraid Treater and Napper would start cramming it down my throat like that ginormous pill they make me take every night!
I have good days and bad days. Yesterday was a horrible day. Today is much better. So far. Except for Treater laughing at me and teasing me.
Yeah, I was sleeping soundly.
Yeah, sleep does ugly things to one's
Yeah, I was sleeping on my side.
Yeah, the right side of my face is flat. (For you people who get confused like Treater, the right side of my face is on your left.)
Please don't laugh at me.

I think you look absolutely adorable when you wake up, flat fur or not!
I don't like to take pills either so I sympathize with not enjoying takiing them. Just remember they are helpingyou and try to swallow them anyway.
Yes, I recognize the blankie! I am so glad you still sleep on it!!! As a matter of fact, I am going to teleport over and join you on it!
Smoochies, Orion
We sure hope Dr Heather can help you feel better. We are all purring and purring for you.
We are purring for you Spooky!
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