It's been a very long time since I wrote a post. Ever since my I-131 treatment last year, I just haven't been quite as active as before. That treatment healed my thyroid disease, but other things aren't so good. When I was being examined for that treatment, the vet specialist found that I had heart and kidney problems. I've been on medicine and special food ever since. All was good until recently...
For several weeks I've been slowly losing weight. Then I caught a cold and had trouble eating. Well, that started things. Treater and Napper have been doing an awful lot of stuff to me. I have to see Dr. Steve a whole lot...lots more than I really want to, although he is very nice (except when he sticks me, that is). I'll spare you kitties the details.
Anyway, I just wanted to tell all of my furriends how very much I've appreciated your visits and your purrs. I'm not doing well at all. I'm very weak and I can't eat or drink on my own any more, and I don't care for the syringe that Treater uses to push food into me.
This will be my last post. I had hoped to be around for my 13th birthday in January, but I won't make it. Don't cry for me. I'll soon be with Those Who Have Gone Before.
Play well and purr hard.
The Murph’s Sleepy Selfie
3 days ago
Oh Spooky, we are so sorry to hear you are not well. I send sweet purrs to help you to feel better my friend. Mom sends hugs to Treater and Napper.
I am very sorry you have been feeling poorly. Keeping you in my thoughts and purrs.
O, Spooky, we's so sorry you's haffing such a bad time.
We's glad you posted to let us know.
I maked you a specshul grafik, it's on the CB, so effurryone can post it and send you and yours fambly lots of purrs and purrayers.
Love & Purrs,
We are so sorry you aren't feeling well Spooky!! Lots of purrrs and prayers to you and your Family!!
Your TX furiends,
We are so sorry you have been so sick and purr that, if it is your time, you have a gentle journey across the Bridge. We are purring ....
Purrs and prayers to you. I'm so very, very sorry.
My sisters and I send you comforting purrs and hugs sweet one.
Spooky, we are very sorry to learn you are not feeling well. We are thinking about you and sending lots of healing and comforting purrs.
Oh Spooky we are so sorry to hear this sad news about you. We are sending tons and tons of purrs to you and some big hugs to the humans. We hope you can somehow rally again and get better. We sure are thinking about you.
Spooky, we are so sorry to read this. We're sending you soft purrs and purraying for a peaceful, gentle, merciful passing to the Bridge, when you are ready to go.
(((Hugs))) to your humans and kitty kisses to you.
Universal Peace and Blessings.
-Nicki, Derry and mom Kim
I heard that you were not feeling well so I wanted to let you know I am sending good thoughts and purrs that soon you will be back to your ole self.
Spooky dear, we're sorry you're not feeling well and are sending our best purrs to you.
Take care, Spooky, and go easily. I'm sorry that you have to leave. I wish things could be different. My best wishes to those you leave behind.
Hello, Spooky. We're sorry to hear you are not feeling well. We send your purrs and we will keep you in our thoughts and prayers.
Peace on your journey sweetie! We will be purring for you and your family....
Spooky, we too are sorry to read the news you aren't doing well. We are sending lots of purrs and woofs for you and your humans.
We all sends you and your fambly lots of love and purrs.
I have missed you my lovely Spooky. I hope you have been curled up on the blanket I sent you and it has given you some comfort. I will miss you but I will also be glad that you are all healed and healthy. I willlook forward to seeing you over the bridge one day. ~~Orion
We are all sending tons of purrs and hugs for all of you.
Meowm Rhonda, Junior, Orion and Sammy
We'z feel bad dat yoo hafta be sicky, it's no fun. We'z gonna rev up some purrs dat maybe yoo won't feel so bad and can haf one last 'hurrah' afore yoo run off to haf fun at da Bridge.
Oh Spooky! We are so sorry that you are not doing well. We are sending you tons of purrs and purrayers and many hugs during this difficult time.
Luf, Us
So sorry to hear this. Purrs and pawsitive thoughts being sent to you during this difficult time. xoxo
We are so sorry that you are not feeling well. Our purrs to you.
We hope that you run across that Bridge and roll in the catnip and chase the butterflies and then find a purrfect sunspot to sleep in. We look forward to seeing you when we, too, cross the Bridge one day.
Snuggles and purrs,
Taz, Runt, and Charles in Illinois
We're sorry you're not feeling well. We are sending you and your feeders all of our
purrs & prayers,
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Kitty Horde & their Feeders
Sorry to hear that you have not been feeling well Spooky, we will purr for you.
Julie and Poppy Q
I am so sorry !!!
JC & The Purr Gang ^,,^
(I am a Mom to a Silly Snowshoe Siamese. So, I know how precious they are.)
Until we meet and play together, we remain your furiends,
RA, Isis & nuknuk
Run free little one...we will keep you in our deepest purrs
We're sorry that you're feeling so badly. We're sending purrs of support and comfort for you and your family.
Charlemagne, Tamar and Mal
Me and my cat Charlie came over from the CB. We are heartbroken to read about your illness, sweet Spooky. We are lighting a candle in our hearts for you. We are glad that you are surrounded by so much love with your beautiful family. Purrs and hugs, take care
Spooky, we are very sorry that you are so sick. Our Mickey did not like being tube fed either.
We will send you purrs and some to your folks. They take thinks pretty hard,when a kitty goes to the Bridge.
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure and JJ
Purrrrrrring for you, Spooky. We hope your trip is easy and painless.
(((hug))) will miss you so.
Oh Spooky, we are sorry you are feeling poorly. Sending comforting purrs to you and your family, and hope you will be comfortable during the days you have remaining. Soak up all that loving, little one.
Laura and Taffy
We are sorry to hear this. Purrs and kind thoughts heading your way to you and your folks.
Spooky, we are purring and praying that each and every day that lies ahead of you will be a day of peace, of comfort and of love. And when the day comes that you choose to cross the rainbow bridge, may you find lasting joy and peace there.
Spooky we are sad to read that you haven't been doing so well and we send you love and rumbly purrs for your journey, and hugs and love to your family.
Fly free little one
Oliver & Gerry
I am sorry to hear from my friends that you are not well. I send you some of my loudest purs and mum sendslove to your. Hope they help a little. Hugs GJ xx
It sux to get old and have medical problems. we have just gone through some of this with Mac. We are sending lots of purrs and prayers to you and your family. God speed, sweet Spooky.
our thoughts are with you
We are so sorry to hear that you have been doing poorly. We are purring and purring that you remain comfortable until it is your time to go.
We will be here fur your fambily, though we knows their hearts are breaking and nothing can change that.
Hi Spooky, we haven't visited you before but heard on the CB that you were poorly. We are very sorry that you might be on your way soon and send our sincerest comforting purrs to your family.
I am so very sorry that you are so sick, Spooky. May you be comfortable until it is time to leave for the Rainbow Bridge and may your journey be painless. Herman and Emma send purrs.
oh dear oh sorry I am to hear you will be coming up to heaven real soon...your beans will be sorry to see you leave i just know that. Please do not be afraid because it is beautiful up here and we will all welcome you.
lots of strong love to you sweet friend from Miss Peach in heaven
We're sorry to hear that you haven't been feeling well. Sending purrs and prayers to you and your family.
Purr on sweet kitty ...
Stopping by to leave good thoughts and purrs. Hope you are feeling a little better today and better tomorrow. Each and every day get well!
Spooky, we are purring and praying real hard for you.
Oh dear, Spooky. We are so very sad to read you are sick. We are sening you hugs and purrs and we are very sad.
We heard from the CB that you were feeling bad again, Spooky. We are sending you comforting purrs and hope your travel to the bridge is an easy one...and your friends will be there to welcome you...
Lots of purrrs and purrayers coming your way!!
Your TX furiends,
We saw your update on the CB and came by to leave lots of purrs and woofs for Spooky tomorrow.
We will be praying and purring for Spooky on Friday.
Karen Jo, Herman and Emma
We came over from the CB to give you our biggest purrs and prayers Spooky. We know it is a very hard time for you and your Mom. Blessings, gentle purrs and comforting thoughts to you both.
Sending purrs for Friday. Healing, strength, and love to Spooky.
Laura and Taffy
I's posted your new info at tha top of tha CB, so effurryone could send purrs and purrayers to you all this morning.
And you can make tha best decision fur sweet Spooky.
Love & Purrs,
Our purrs and prayers are with you sweet Spooky. All our love, Brian, Sascha, Gracie, Zoe, Dolly and Precious.
Spooky we are sending purrs for you and will be thinking about you today.
My darling Spooky,
If it would feel better for you to cross, then go ahead and cross. I will miss you, but I know you will be in a great place, and I know I will see you again one day.
With purrs and gentle headbutts,
I am so sorry to hear that it may be Spooky's time to join Sweet Praline and Beignet at the Bridge. Mom Paula sends comforting thoughts to Treater during this time.
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