Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I got mail!

When Treater walked in with the mail yesterday afternoon, I caught a whiff of something that smelled really, really good. I pestered her until she showed me this package. I got mail! Oooh, I'm so excited!


Treater also showed me this picture from the newspaper. It's just not fair that these birdies would build their nest so high. Shoes belong on the ground, not in the air hanging from an electrical line! Birdies, build your nest in shoes...on the ground, please.


Anonymous said...

Well, if you're getting Treaties in the mail, you really needn't worry about birdies in the air!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

That is a very interesting place for a birdie to build a nest.

I am glad you got some greenies! did you get fed one right away?

Tiggie FOC said...

Whoa...I didn't know the Greenie folks would mail them to how did that work? Where you do send your request