All is well here. I haven't vanished, nor have I run away. Nor has anything bad happened over here.
Can't say the same for Treater and Napper, however. It seems they "ran away" again. They got back last night after a loooooong weekend away. I think they were back at the old place, 'cause they smelled like a woofie when they came in. I was so happy to see them that I ran up to Treater and followed her everywhere... then I caught a scent of woofie. I'm sure they were disloyal to me and played with Eve, my niece dog. I was an especially good lady cat and I never once urped while they were gone!! Nothing!
Well, anyway, they're back...for a couple of days.
Yes, they are leaving again. This time for longer than a weekend. A nice lady who works in the office is going to check on me while they're gone. That's a good thing, 'cause I kept hearing "vet" and "boarding" whenever they talked about me. I'm happy that I'll get to stay home. Maybe I can convince her to give me more Greenies than I usually get.
So, I'll be doing lots of napping and watching the action outside the glass wall. Other than that, it'll be pretty quiet around here for a while. Come visit if you can. It'll be fun!
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2 days ago
Oh good I was getting concerned about my friend. I can't believe thay are leaving again! How could they leave such a sweet cat? Humans!
We are very glad that least you can stay home. We feel lucky that we get to stay home with Nana and Grampy when Mom has to leave. We do not think we would enjoy being boarded.
Man....we are thinking we are gonna have to find you new humans. Don't they know they are supposed to be there catering to your every whim and need at least 10 hours a day?
Seriously...are they rebuilding the old house with their own hands?
I think you need a fur friend to keep you company.
Purrs Shade
Hello dear Spooky! I'm glad to read you are doing well and having time for lots of good naps. Napping is always important for a cat, don't you agree. Nobody does it better than we do.
I'd love to come and visit, but airfare is difficult as I don't have any income!
Tiggie and Hart have invited everyone to that place they live in now, Salt Lake City. I wish we could have a cat convention there, don't you? It sounds pretty nice. Though I don't see any avocado trees there.
Miss Kitty
I am so sorry that you are being left alone so much, Spooky. At least you will get to stay at home. Do work on the nice lady for extra Greenies.
Wooofie smells...ewwww.
Be sure to give them a good sniffing over when they get home and give us a report about where they've been.
Blondie said they have anoles at the Petsmart here in SLC. They cost $8.95. Hart and I are going to start saving up our weekly allowance and buy one. Hee hee hee...we're dreaming of a green thanksgiving meal!
Spooky...we miss you!!!!!!!
Hi Spooky I left a little award for you over at my place if you don't already have it.
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