The Murph’s So Annoyed Selfie
2 days ago
My name is SPOOKY. I live in Florida. I am a Siamese mix known as a Snowshoe Siamese. My eyes are a deep blue. I was rescued from a shelter, and have since settled in to rule the house. I am served by the Nap-taker (Napper) and the Treat-giver (Treater). I am NOT a lap-cat, but I am a lady cat. LALA is my niece who lives in Kentucky. I'm not sure what kind of Cat she is, but she has beautiful green eyes and loves to pole-dance! Her people are Light and Stretch.
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.
~ Mahatma Gandhi
That is a wonderful picture of you Spooky! We like your nose....well we like you in general, but we think your nose is extra cute!
Junior, Orion and Meowm
Hi Spooky! Junior let us know about you. Please come check out our special blog for Siamese Cats as well as our family blog.
You do have a really unique and cute noise!
I just can't stop looking at your picture Spooky. The blue blue eyes, the exotic beauty marked nose, that touch of pink...
Your mother must of purred extra happy hard when you were born. "Best of the litter!" I'll bet she said.
Hi Spooky. You have beautiful eyes, sleepies or not! And your nose is quite charming too.
Thank you for tagging me a while back; I have not been into blogging of late, as you may have noticed. I will try to do the meme, but I can't make any promises....TRHO is doing lots of reading these days and hasn't been very helpful to me as a typist!
Miss Kitty
You gots a nice nose!
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